incorrect fan connectors on fan controller


Bronze Level Poster
Hello folks, very happy having taken delivery of my brand new PC today but I have a niggling little problem.

Wanting to speed up delivery of my new 'toy' I cancelled the option for an nzxt sentry 2 fan controller I had ordered due to them being temporarly out of stock. Thinking I was being a clever sod I sourced one from another retailer thinking that it would be a piece of cake to install, which it was.. However the connectors from the controller do not fit the fans.
So I now have a sweet looking but completely useless fan controller sat in my rig, question is, what can I do about it?


Bronze Level Poster
I have a sentry2, it has a 3 pin & molex connector for each fan but the 3 pin is wrong shape..



Author Level
Not 100% the set up of the Sentry fan controllers, but i'll explain mine :)

My fan controller has 6 channels. Each channel has a cable that connects to the fan via a 3 pin fan header which goes into the fan controller, then at the other end of the cable the white parts shown in the picture above :)

What do you mean it;s the wrong shape?


What fans are you trying to connect the controller to?? Certain cases like the 500R side fan have custom fan connectors and can not be connected up to normal connectors. The connectors on the controller cable in the picture are normal female 3pin fan connectors. The fans connecting to them will need to have 3 pin male connector on it


Bronze Level Poster
Think you've hit the nail on the head there Buzz.. Trying to connect it up to the 3 case fans.


Whats the Case ya got Pauly. Its the 500R right??

The fans are easily changeable for about 10-20£ depending on the fan. And/or additional fans added for attaching to the controller.


Bronze Level Poster
Yes i is the 500R, wasn't really planning on having to swap out the fans, maybe get hold of some standard 3 pin connectors and replace the ones I have now is better option, I don't know?


Author Level
Yes i is the 500R, wasn't really planning on having to swap out the fans, maybe get hold of some standard 3 pin connectors and replace the ones I have now is better option, I don't know?

Didn't realise it was the 500r! When i opened up mine it was abit of a shock to see those silly 3 pin connectors :)

Luckily i had one of these:

You can just bend back the small piece of plastic and push on the fan header, works a treat :)